We SAARC Tool Tech (P) Ltd. Is and exclusively dedicated manufacture of superior World Class Military grade logistic transport plastic rotational molded containers approved by Cemilac and DGQA to Indian Defence Force, more than a decade.
We SAARC Tool Tech (P) Ltd. Is and exclusively dedicated manufacture of superior World Class Military grade logistic transport plastic rotational molded containers approved by Cemilac and DGQA to Indian Defence Force, more than a decade.
We SAARC Tool Tech (P) Ltd. Is and exclusively dedicated manufacture of superior World Class Military grade logistic transport plastic rotational molded containers approved by Cemilac and DGQA to Indian Defence Force, more than a decade.
saarc tool tech pvt. ltd
We manufacture more than 100 + types of containers to keep our forces arms, ammunition, equipment's battle ready anytime. The containers are manufactured in Mil, 810 G standard. They are ECO friendly ( reusable, recyclable), light weight, water proof, shock proof, shock proof and dust proof. We also manufacture Mil, Grade Soldier's Combat Polymer Military Trunk Case for use of all soldiers in Defence and pata military forces. Our product range includes 'Remote Area Lighting Forces' RAL (High Mast, Pneumatic Collapasible Quick Deployment, Portable).